was a sunny, warm early autumnal Sunday, which was
just fine for the Militant as he still wishes it
were Summer and not Fall. Close enough.
So there was some event called the
Swerve Festival
going on this weekend at various locales, including
Barnsdall Park,
where the Militant had to attend to some covert
Militant activities, totally unrelated to the
festival. The Militant was never really clear what
this festival was all about, but according to the
website, it's described as, "
a new annual festival dedicated to celebrating West
Coast creative culture and its community inspired by
art, film, music and action sports." Which is
odd, as the Militant - a Southern California native
- considers himself interested in an unspecified
number of those activities, yet never found much in
this festival that really interested him. He did see
some sort of environmentally-oriented exhibit
(pictured above), which included an ethanol-powered
grill that cooked popcorn which was for sale, a long
row of decorated recycling bins and a set of
stationary bicycles that recharged car batteries.
The Militant thinks eco-stuff, as long as it's not
too paleskinned hippy-dippy-flower- power in nature,
is totally cool, as there's a purpose behind it, but
nothing else looked that interesting, really. And
there was hardly anyone in the park, which had much
more vibrant atmosphere the previous weekend when it
Thai Cultural Day
in the exact same space, so perhaps this festival
didn't gain much local interest after all.
To be fair to the Swerve folks, though,
there were
a whole lot of
other events
happening this weekend, so maybe it was hard to get
that captive audience. Hey, timing is everything.
And perhaps this being the n00b phase for this
particular festival, it takes time, and a
reputation, to grow. But maybe next time they could
be a little more focused on their theme or purpose.
Over the past few months, the Militant attended the
Feast of San Gennaro,
Thai Cultural Day,
an arts festival in Little
Armenia and
Festival to sample
and learn more about the Italian, Thai, Filipino,
Armenian and Asian/Pacific Islander cultures,
respectively. The Militant still wasn't clear what
kind of culture, theme or focus was being
represented at Swerve.
Bussin' It West
The Militant hung out with an out-of-state
operative visiting town for the weekend, who wanted
to try out the (M) Orange Line busway for the first
time (the operative quite enjoyed it) and rode the
(M) Red Line subway towards the general vicinity of
the Militant's compound.
The Militant wanted the operative, a pizza
connoisseur, to try out
his favorite pizzeria,
and since the operative already was in possession of
a Metro Day Pass, the Militant recommended they ride
Metro Rapid 704 to
La Cienega Ave. The westbound bus was rather packed
on a Sunday early afternoon, much to the surprise of
both the Militant and the operative, who flew into
town from
a nearby state.
After alighting at their destination and walking
three blocks south, they sampled some slices of pie.
which is normally quite good and currently subjected
various online accolades.
Unfortunately, the re-heated slices were left in the
oven a bit too long that they were slightly charred
and worst of all, the namesake owner was not on the
premises, which, according to
various foodie types,
partaking in a conversation with is part of the
experience. The pizza was "good, but not amazing,"
according to the operative. But the operative was
open to trying out the place again.
On the 704 ride back, after the operative showed the
Militant some digital camera pics taken in the
Central California coast over the weekend, the name
"Atascadero" was a key word for another rider, a
somewhat raggedy man in his 60s, to join in the
conversation. He went on to mention that he spent
time at the
state hospital in
that Central Coast town and once met serial killer
John Wayne Gacy
there. The operative continued the conversation with
awkward fascination while the Militant politely
nodded, but while writing this entry the Militant
discovered that Gacy was never institutionalized
there and in fact lived (and was subsequently
imprisoned) in Illinois. Guess people can be so
broken, so isolated, that they'd say anything for a
conversation. Though the other rider wasn't
threatening in any way, it's telling to see how
mental illness might just become this country's
downfall, affecting people from the very poor to
the very rich.
But at least for today, the sun still shone for
everyone who wanted to be under it.