Echo Park Historical Society
Historic Echo Park
  April 2008
Elysian ParkThis Month's Events
Echo Park Stairway Tour: Saturday, April 26 @ 10 a.m. The walk includes the Baxter Stairs as
well as Fellowship Park and info on Red Gulch and architect Harwell Harris. Starting Place:  Elysian Heights Elementary, 1562 Baxter St. at Echo Park Ave. Reservations are required. Building  interiors are not included. Please see
Walking Tours for reservations, maps and other details.
EPHS Board Meeting: Monday, April 21  @ 7 PM. The monthly meeting of the EPHS board of directors is open to all members. Please RSVP to for location information.
EPHS NEWS BLOG & CALENDAR: Now you can keep up with our events and other timely news by visiting EPHS News for the most up-to-date information. You can also look up future events, meetings and other tasks by referring to our Planning Calendar. (Contact us to confirm dates)
Photo by: PSmart  /  Echo Park Now on Flickr
News & Notes
Elysian ParkAngelino Heights Home Tour Docents: Volunteer docents are needed for an Angeleno Heights Open House  Tour on May 17 and 18.  Volunteers will work a 3 hour shift from 10 AM to 1 PM or from 1 PM to 4 PM.  The tour, which serves a fundraiser for the Angeleno Heights Trolley, will be held in conjunction with the Leo Politi 2008 Centennial. Samples of the artist's work wil be on display inside the homes. Tour details.
Angelino or Angeleno? If you have not noticed, there has been a difference of opinion about the proper spelling of Angelino Heights. The  Angelino with the an "i" is how the city of Los Angeles spells the name as does the EPHS. But Bruce Lash of the Angeleno Heights Trolley group and other residents say it should be spelled with two "e"s. He asks the EPHS to recognize this as the proper spelling. 
  "Personally, I would like to see it spelled in its original and correct Spanish language  form.  But, at least let's have it spelled as close to the way that it was meant to be spelled by the founders of our neighborhood," Lash writes.
What do you think? Post your comments on our History Message Board.
Speaking of home tours: The Historic Echo Park Home Tour committee held its first meeting to begin planning this year's event, which is usually held in November. If you would like to get involved, please contat chairperson Holly Hampton at


Volunteer Opportunities
Newsletter & Poster Distribution: Help distribute our quarterly newsletter, posters and other printed material to different neighborhood locations . Please contact for details.
Landmark Program Coordinator: Help the EPHS nominate historically significant buildings and sites as official government monuments. Please contact ephs@HistoricEchoPark.orgfor more details.
Join Now or Renew Your Membership
You can help us promote and preserve our neighborhood's cultural and architectural heritage by joining or renewing your membership.
You can apply and pay online with a credit card or mail in a check and application form Click here to join or renew your membership.
Our annual membership dues are affordable, starting at $15 for individuals and $25 for households. Membership benefits include free or reduced admission to our tours, workshops and events; a quarterly newsletter subscription and a free Restoration Resources guide (upon request).
Thanks to those who have recently joined or renewed their support: Chris Pasles & Rick Galant, Deborah Perrin, Dave Ptach, Arlouise White, Stephen O'Donnell, Alan Smart, Billie Carolyn Highberger, Susanna Erdos, Netty Carr & Ray Valentine and Anita Lacroix.

Restoration Q&A
Elysian ParkOur Restoration Message Board is a great place to seek answers and share solutions. Starting with this month's' email newsletter, we will feature a message board question.
Question: The enamel on the cast iron sink in my 1921 rental has seen better days. I'm wondering if it is cheaper to have the sink re-coated or if I should just replace it with a modern one. The damage is only to the surface (no dents), but it's more than I can do with a DIY touch up kit. Anyone know of a good contractor to fix this?
If I choose to replace, does the original sink have any salvage value? It's a double sink with slanted draining boards for each sink, about 6' long, and sits on a base cabinet made for it. I'm not sure it is original to the house - could be '40s-'50s... Any way to tell?
In This Issue
This Month's Events
News & Notes
Volunteer Now
History Quiz
Opera singer Marilyn Horne and husband symphony conductor  Henry Lewis lived on what street in Elysian Heights?
A. Altivo Way
B. Vista Gordo Street.
C. Park Drive 
Answer at the bottom of this column.

Photo: Bach Cantatas
Our Sponsors
Yes, you can live in the past and in a fully restored Victorian or Craftsman style apartment in Angelino Heights. Call (213) 482-4458 for information.
Fine art and commercial photography by Echo Park resident Martin Cox.
Turn to Black Star Building & Design for period senstive renovation and modern reinterpretations. 
Plan for a rosy financial future with Rosie Betanzos of Primerica Financial Services. Contact
The Terri Lloyd Company provides advertising and marketing arts for the small and emerging business.
Your Ad Here: Want to promote your local business or service? Then advertise in the Echo Park Historical Society's quarterly newsletter (1,000 printed copies) and our monthly e-mail (500 subscribers strong and growing). Contact us at for details
Gifts & Guides 
VINTAGE ECHO PARK LAKE POSTCARDS: Reproductions of vintage Echo Park Lake postcards are now available for sale through the EPHS. Click here to view the postcards. A set of four different cards are available for $5 (includes postage and handling).
RESOURCES GUIDE:The first version of our Restoration Resource guide-designed to help find the people, services and materials you need to restore and maintain your old home-is now available to EPHS members. We can send you a copy by request via e- mail or U.S. Postal Service. We will continually be updating this guide. So, if you have a great carpenter, roofer or wood-floor refinisher to recommend, please pass along their information to us at The guide is free and available only to EPHS members.
Quick Links
Quiz Answer
Elysian Park
Answer:  1656 Altivo Way. According to Part One of the Elysian Heights Hill Dwellers history, the couple was given the home in the early 1960s as a wedding present.  One neighbor recalls that he would raise his radio "in self defense" during the couple's frequent practice sessions.
Echo Park Historical Society | P.O. Box 261022 | Los Angeles | CA | 90026