I am available for visits to school, libraries, bookstores, cultural
events, and professional organizations.
For Children: My 45 to 60-minute school presentations are geared
for students Grade K through 8th grade, and include readings from my
books and slides to illustrate my talk. Small groups are preferred -
fewer than 100 if possible.
For Adults: I also enjoy speaking with adult groups - teachers,
librarians, community groups, etc.
Fees: For fees and additional details, please contact me at:
ann@annstalcup.com or
Visiting schools and talking to students about my life, the writing
process, and my books is always exciting. As a teacher there is nothing
I enjoy more than filling students with an enthusiasm for both reading
and writing.
From Adults . . .
"The audience was enthralled by a second speaker, Ann
Stalcup. Her book, Leo Politi, Artist of the Angels, has been widely
promoted and admired. Ann spoke of her long friendship with Leo, and the
mutual interest they shared in the history of Los Angeles and its
children. Ann, an elementary school teacher, has seen the impact that
Leo's books have had on children. What a beautiful book . . . a treasure
to own and present as a gift." -- FOCAL Award Luncheon
"The highlight of the afternoon was a talk and slide show by local
author Ann Stalcup. She described first meeting Leo Politi in 1979 at
the Blessing of the Animals Parade in Olvera Street. . . it was
recollections like these that made Ann's talk so memorable. When Politi
died in 1996, Ann felt she had to write his biography. We thank Ann for
persevering with her task so that we may all become acquainted with Leo
Politi's touching life story." -- Watts Towers Politi Exhibit
"I went to the most wonderful lecture at the Huntington by the author
of the book about Leo Politi. I was in tears, I was so touched. I went
home and e-mailed my relatives that I wanted nothing but Politi books
for Christmas." -- Excerpt from a letter to one of my friends. (The
writer didn't know that her friend knew me.)
"At least half a dozen people came up to me and thanked me profusely
for inviting you to speak to us. Several said you should be invited
back. They all thought you were the best program we have had in a long
long time." -- Karen De Bellis, San Juan Capistrano Mission Docents
. . . From Children
"Thank you for talking about Leo Politi and being an author. I
was very inspired and I really enjoyed learning more about art and
writing. You were very persuasive . . . I have been working on a book at
home and I was about to give up. You helped me get the idea to keep
writing." -- Milenn, El Oro Way Elementary School, Granada Hills
"Your presentation made me want to read your stories. It also made me
want to read Leo Politi’s stories. It kinda even made me want to write
myself." -- Ayan, Canyon Charter School, Santa Monica
"I really liked how you expressed your friendship with Leo Politi."
-- Isadora, Canyon Charter School, Santa Monica
. . . And From Teachers and Librarians
"Ann Stalcup presented a lively fun-filled informative program based
on her extensive knowledge of Leo Politi and her book Leo Politi: Artist
of the Angels. Her program was of interest to adults and children and
the comments I got from everyone were positive and heart-felt. Her love
of her subject, books, and people was evident in her presentation. It
was a pleasure having her here." -- Carol Lloyd, Librarian, The
Rancho Mirage Public Library
"The kids were really touched by your talk and the adults were
enthralled." -- Robin, Teacher, El Oro Way Elementary School,
Granada Hills
"I really enjoyed your talk and loved the personal parts about when
you got to know Leo Politi and about how movie-star handsome he was.
Thanks for doing your presentation for FOCAL. I know the children
learned and the parents learned. You introduced them to a wonderful
artist and to part of their own history. I'll bet they will now begin to
recognize Leo's work. What could be more important than bringing his
work alive again." -- Barbara Metzenbaum, Librarian - at FOCAL's,
"Sundays at Central," Los Angeles Public Library
"It was so wonderful to hear you share the incredible childhood
experiences that led to your writing this amazing book. Our children
were dazzled by what you had to say . . . Thank you for coming to
inspire our young minds and future writers."
-- Christina Medina, Teacher, Jefferson Elementary School
"Your presentation was the best one I've seen in my nine years at
-- Brenda Schearer, Teacher, Los Nogales School
"After listening to you talk I feel as if I could have been there."
-- David, Grade 4
"I felt warm inside as if my grandma had made her magnificent
-- London, Grade 4
"I loved the story you told about the cake ingredients from Australia
and how Auntie's ashes accidentally got baked into the cake. It made my
toes crinkle."
-- Becca, Grade 5
"I was on the edge of my seat when you talked about the air raids. .
. to know that your house could get bombed any night would scare the
pants off of me."
-- Daniel, Grade 5
"You're one of the few people I know who was alive during World War
-- Alan, Grade 7
"I loved your presentation so much I wouldn't have minded if it had
lasted longer. If there was a rating scale from 0 to 10, I would pick
-- Eddy, Grade 7
Mrs. Fields' Book Store
Every Picture Tells A Story (children's book store and gallery)
Childrens' Book Wold
Watts Towers: Italian Festival (focusing on Leo Politi)
Deisel Book Store
Music Center sponsored program for teachers - Olvera Street
Friends of the Chinatown Library
Chinatown Businessmen's Association
Los Angeles Times Festival of Books (book signing)
Canyon Elementary School
Los Angelitas, Olvera Street
Leo Politi Elementary School
SCBWI Writer's Schmooze, Pasadena
SCBWI Writer's Schmooze, Manhattan Beach
Folk Tree Collection, Pasadena (book signing)
Culver City Library
FOCAL Lunch, Los Angeles
Vroman's Book Store, Pasadena
Calaban Elementary School, Northridge
Mark Twain Elementary School, Lawndale
El Oro Way Elementary School, Granada Hills
South Pasadena - Volunteer Luncheon
Wonder of Reading Event - Los Angeles Public Library
Bakersfield Young Authors' Fair
Ocean View School District
Alhambra School District Authors' Fair (Annually)
LAUSD (Canyon Charter Elementary School)
Los Angeles Public Library (several sites)
Olvera Street - presentation to visiting school children
Catholic Library Association
CSLA Author Breakfast
Saints Simon and Jude School
Huntington Beach Authors Fest. (Annually)
South Bay Authors Fair (Annually)
Long Beach Authors Festival (Annually)
Melody of Words Festival (Annually)
Fountain Valley School District Authorfest
Camarillo Author Day (Annually)
Northridge Middle School
Tustin Authors Festival (Annually)
Santa Monica Seniors Group
Oakwood School, North Hollywood
Encino Authors Fair (Annually)
American Association of University Women, Thousand Oaks Branch
Huntington Museum - Members Shopping Night
FOCAL organization - "Sundays at Central"
San Juan Capistrano - Mission Docent’s Group
Rancho Mirage Public Library
Leo Politi Secret Garden Party, Fresno
Castelar Elementary School, Chinatown, Los Angeles
Feria de Libros, City Hall, Los Angeles
El Oro Way Elementary School, Granada Hills
Playa Vista Public Library
Studio City Public Library
Woodward Park Library, Fresno
San Juan Capistrano Mission School
"Art Night" at Pasadena Library
Gant Elementary School, Long Beach
Politi Centennial "Kick Off" Event
FOCAL event at the main Los Angeles Public Library
De Mille Elementary School, Westminster
South Pasadena Library - presentations for both children and adults
Kaiser Elementary School, Newport
Los Primeros Magnet, Camarillo
University Prep School, Camarillo
Taft High School Author Fair
Manchester Elementary School, Northern California
Point Arena Elementary School, Northern California
Four-Eyed Frog Book Store, Gualala, Northern California
Chinatown Branch Library - presentation for Castelar Elementary School
5th Graders
Melody of Words Author Fair, Calabasas
Smiley Library, Redlands
Literary Guild of Orange County
Lockhurst Elementary School, Woodland Hills
Brea Community Art Gallery
Thousand Oaks Library
Torrance Public Library
Santa Monica Public Library
Leo Politi Public Library, Fresno
St. Anthony's Christian School, Fresno
Whittier Public Library
Cantara School, Reseda
Mayfield Christian School, Pasadena
Monterey Public Library
Park School, Alhambra
Meairs Elementary School, Westminster
Newport Mesa Author Fair
Whittier College Author's Day
University Club, Whittier
Sundance Elementary School, San Diego
Platt Library, Woodland Hills
American Association of University Women, Glendora
Corona Del Mar Library
